Saturday, January 07, 2017

ปณิธานปีใหม่/ New Year's resolutions

I have a problem with New Year's resolutions, not because they often fail, or because they're too difficult,
and not because I'm bad at them either.
I mean, I've only been alive for four New Year's! 
No, I have a problem with resolutions.
Because people think that that's it
It's the one time to change 
Now don't get me wrong, we definitely all need change.
I have no idea how to ride a bicycle, and my little brothers has no idea what a toilet is for.
And some of you yeah, you should probably should get out of the house more.
But one big decision probably isn't going to do it 
So now what?
Flush your resolutions down the toilet?  
The one my little brother can't use?
Of course not!
Keep your resolutions but go easy on yourself.
Will you change?
But it probably won't happen in one big moment.
It'll happen in thousands of little moments.
Every time you choose to forgive or slow down or be grateful or stay clam.
Each little moment that you choose: what's right instead of what's easy  faith instead of doubt  love instead of hate that's where the change happens!
Even if you fail one or two or thirty times, it's ok!
You've got thousands of more little moments ahead of you.
You'll get better. So happy new year 
God bless and I'm off to ask my dad to get a bike.
 Either that or a pony

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